Friday, August 26, 2011

The Disaster in Libya

The Libyan War and Libya After Gadaffi

The pretense there was some "victory" of "rebels" in Libya is
fine if you are wearing rose-colored glasses and prefer delusions
to fact.  But facts remain.

The invasion, bombing, and attacks on Libya did not come from
rebels, they came from the British and French Governments in
a six month illegal war, using US funds and equipment.

There is nothing to be proud of in this illegal, immoral, and
fatal invasion.  Regime change by force is illegal under international
law.  As well it should be.  And whitewashing these crimes does not
help the cause of any civilized nation which operates, at least ostensibly,
according to the rule of law.

The NATO attack, bombings, and invasion has been about regime change
and banking concerns.  It had little to do with humanity or human suffering.

This illegal war will come back to haunt us.  Either the British and French,
with support from the United States will setup a puppet regime to deliver
their banking demands... or NATO forces will withdraw and the nation
will be embroiled in an extended bloody war between factions.  This
invasion was precipitous, ill-advised, and will cost untold lives.

"Was there a better way to save lives? Yes, if given the chance.
We know that President Lula da Silva (former president of Brazil)
offered to lead a mediation mission to mediate a ceasefire.
This was supported by Latin American countries, the African Union
and even the weak-kneed Arab League. Gaddafi had agreed to the idea
of a ceasefire, including international forces, to observe it. This was turned
down by NATO and their vassals in Benghazi. The African Union mission
was humiliated in Benghazi and the Western media hosted discussions that
ridiculed the AU initiatives. Peace was given no chance. Why?
Because the agenda is regime change and not the protection of civilians."
~~CHARLES ABUGRE,, July 29 – 31, 2011

This war was about regime change and is not any sort of victory.
It is cowardly surrender and a defeat for people in Libya, France,
Great Britain, the USA and the rest of the planet.  The homeless
and will hungry continue to suffer needlessly as this avoidable
conflict continues to run its course.

in response to the article below....


The fall of the Gadaffi regime in Libya marks yet another turning point in what
has been a truly remarkable year in the Middle East. The victory of the rebels,
backed by Nato bombing in a six month campaign initiated by the British and
French governments, also heralds the rehabilitation of a discredited doctrine
-- that of 'humanitarian intervention' -- after the debacle of Iraq and

The defeat of Gadaffi is now being used to justify military action on the
grounds that it has helped the Arab revolutions. David Cameron declared outside
Downing Street 22 August 2011, 'This has not been our revolution, but we can be
proud that we have played our part.'

The hypocrisy of Cameron is staggering, given the role of British and other
western governments in backing up dictators and despots in the region -- only
halted in some places by the actions of the Arab people themselves.

The Nato intervention has not been for idealistic values. It has been about
regime change, so that a leader more acceptable to western governments and
business could replace Gadaffi.

Right to the end, NATO was bent on a military victory and bringing the
Transitional National Council (TNC) -- the Benghazi administration -- to power
in Libya by force of arms. All proposals for talks to achieve a political
solution – whether from within Libya or outside - have been brushed aside.

While many Libyans may welcome the outcome, and will be glad to see the back of
Gadaffi, it has a number of negative aspects.

From the international point of view, the most significant thing is that the
government of another Arab state has been changed by external force applied by
the big imperial powers. There is no real suggestion that the TNC could have
come to power unaided. The NATO military intervention, stretching beyond
breaking point the mandate given by the United Nations, has been decisive.

This will not be the end of the story. The experience of Iraq teaches that the
overthrow of a regime under such circumstances by no means signifies the end of
the war. Whether those who have supported Gadaffi will meekly accept the
authority of a new government imposed under such circumstances is open to

Whatever happens, the deep divisions within Libyan society remain. Likewise,
given that the TNC is an amalgam of forces, ranging from the democratic to the
Islamist to leaders who are the direct employees of western interests, it may
have neither the capacity to resolve existing differences nor the ability to
prevent the emergence of new ones, within its own ranks.

David Cameron spelt out the close role Britain and the other western powers
will expect to have in running Libya, and in how much detail they have been
planned, including ‘stabilisation experts who have been planning for this
moment…for months.’

Under these circumstances, the main demand must be an end to all forms of NATO
interference in Libya – not just the end of the bombing, but the withdrawal
of special forces and a halt to all forms of political interference. The only
solution to the crisis in Libya will have to be a Libyan solution. Recent
history, from Iraq to Afghanistan, teaches that too.

But beyond that, we must recognise the danger that even a passing 'success' in
Libya may embolden the US, British and French governments to believe that the
idea of 'liberal interventionism', discredited after Iraq, can be revived on a
broader scale. Of course, however it ends the Libyan conflict has not gone as
expected and none of the leaders of the aggression have dared introduce ground
troops into the war. Nevertheless, the danger of extending the intervention to
Syria as part of a programme to control and suppress the 'Arab Spring' is not
inconceivable and must be mobilised against.

The old rulers will not be missed if and when they depart. The decisive issues
– genuinely democratic and popular regimes across the Arab world, the
exclusion of great power interference in the region and justice for the
Palestinian people – remain in the balance and require our solidarity.

LINDSEY GERMAN, National Convenor, Stop the War Coalition
ANDREW MURRAY, National Chair, Stop the War Coalition--

The STOP THE WAR COALITION made the above statement on the
22nd of August 2011.  Email
Tel: 020 7801 2768

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